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對於食品和飼料中戴奧辛和類戴奧辛多氯聯苯,歐盟推出了兩個新的法規,EC199/2006 和 2006/13/EC。兩個法規制訂了食品和飼料中戴奧辛和類戴奧辛多氯聯苯的最大限量標準,以及飼料的控制標準(為最大限量標準的75%)。兩個法規均從2006年11月4日起生效並強制執行。



人類暴露戴奧辛和/或多氯聯苯的路徑可分別直接接觸和非直接接觸。 直接接觸途徑可能是直接吸入空氣和顆粒物、經口攝入受污染的材料(例如,玩耍的兒童之土壤)、或是透過皮膚路徑等吸收。非直接接觸則是經由食物的攝取進入到人體,而數據指出95%戴奧辛暴露都是經由食物鏈到達人體中。因此瞭解食物中戴奧辛的含量將有助於減少人體的暴露與相對的風險。

狹義戴奧辛 “dioxins" vs. 廣義戴奧辛 (PCDD/Fs + DL-PCBs)

狹義"Dioxins" = PCDDs and PCDFs 

  • 是兩大類含氯化合物家族的統稱,氯化戴奧辛(polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, PCDDs) 與氯化呋喃 (polychlorinated dibenzofurans, PCDFs)。
  • 可有210種不同的“同類異構物" (congeners), 1~8的位置都可以被氯原子取代
  • 主要來源: 燃燒過程(垃圾焚燒、醫院垃圾焚燒、家庭熔爐焚燒)、熱工業過程(金屬冶煉/生產、金屬回收)、化學生產過程 (氯鹼加工、氯化苯酚、氯化苯、多氯聯苯、顏料,如對氯苯胺、咔唑紫、氯漂(紙)等)
  • 目前依據歐盟的食品/飼料法規: 17 種有毒同類異構物toxic congeners (2,3,7,8-substitution)被規範
    • PCDDs = Polychlorinated dibenzo-(p)-dioxins
    • PCDFs = Polychlorinated dibenzofurans

廣義戴奧辛包含多氯聯苯 "PCBs" = Polychlorinated biphenyls

  • 可有209 種不同的"同類異構物" (congeners)
  • PCBs: 主要來源 – 直接技術生產,工業產品。
  • 目前依據歐盟食品/飼料法規以下被規範:
    • 類戴奧辛多氯聯苯12 PCBs with dioxinlike toxicological properties ("dioxinlike PCBs", short DL-PCBs)
      (thereof: 4 non-ortho PCBs, 8 mono-ortho PCBs).
    • 非類戴奧辛多氯聯苯 6 PCBs with non-dioxinlike toxicological properties (non-dioxinlike PCBs (short NDL-PCBs, also: Marker- or ICES6-PCBs).


台灣: 2020/04/15 衛福部食藥署依據「食品含戴奧辛及戴奧辛類多氯聯苯處理規範」,針對肉類、乳品、蛋、水產、油脂及嬰幼兒食品進行監測,若其戴奧辛等物質含量超過限值時,將會沒入並銷毀。

EFSA 戴奧辛和多氯聯苯的風險評估

歐洲食品安全局 (EFSA) 201811月公佈了戴奧辛和多氯聯苯每周可耐受攝入量 (TWI)2 pg TEQ/每公斤kg體重。


2022 年 10 月 21 日,歐盟通過修訂(EC) 1881/2006號條例,規定了食品中某些污染物的最高含量。這包括(EU) 2022/2002將歐盟現有的戴奧辛和多氯聯苯最高含量擴展到其他動物種類的食品,並降低牛奶和奶製品的最高含量。主要修訂(1)202311日之前合法投放市場的食品,可在其最低保質期或保質期前繼續投放市場;(2)附件的第5節:“戴奧辛和多氯聯苯”的修訂。其中包含新增牛、羊和山羊類動物、家禽、豬、馬、兔子、野豬 ( Sus scrofa ) 、野鳥、鹿肉限量綿羊動物肝臟及其衍生產品、野鳥的肝臟限量刪除原「適用螃蟹和甲殼類動物附肢肌肉」文字敘述; 降低生乳和乳製品,包括黃油的限量標準; 修改禽蛋及除鵝蛋外的蛋製品限量。

該規範將從2023 年 1 月 1 日起生效。在 2023 1 1 日之前合法上架的食品則允許存放於市場,直到其保存期限到期為止。


Maximum values for food products (status as of 1st January 2023)



Dioxins (sum of PCDD/Fs): Maximum content in WHO-PCDD/F- TEQ 1

Sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs (sum of PCDD/Fs and DL-PCBs): Maximum content in WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ 1

 Non-dioxin-like PCBs: Maximum content 2

Meat and meat products (excluding

edible offal) of the following animals





- bovine, ovine and caprine animals

≥ 2% fat: 2,5 pg/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,05 pg/g wet weight

≥ 2% fat: 4,0 pg/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,08 pg/g wet weight

≥ 2% fat: 40 ng/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,8 ng/g wet weight


- poultry

≥ 2% fat: 1,75 pg/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,035 pg/g wet weight

≥ 2% fat: 3,0 pg/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,06 pg/g wet weight

≥ 2% fat: 40 ng/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,8 ng/g wet weight


- pigs

≥ 2% fat: 1,0 pg/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,02 pg/g wet weight

≥ 2% fat: 1,25 pg/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,025 pg/g wet weight

≥ 2% fat: 40 ng/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,8 ng/g wet weight


- horse

≥ 2% fat: 5,0 pg/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,10 pg/g wet weight

≥ 2% fat: 10,0 pg/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,20 pg/g wet weight




- rabbit

≥ 2% fat: 1,0 pg/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,02 pg/g wet weight

≥ 2% fat: 1,5 pg/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,03 pg/g wet weight



- wild boar (Sus scrofa)

≥ 2% fat: 5,0 pg/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,10 pg/g wet weight

≥ 2% fat: 10,0 pg/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,20 pg/g wet weight




- wild game birds

≥ 2% fat: 2,0 pg/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,04 pg/g wet weight

≥ 2% fat: 4,0 pg/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,08 pg/g wet weight




- venison

≥ 2% fat: 3,0 pg/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,04 pg/g wet weight

≥ 2% fat: 4,0 pg/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,08 pg/g wet weight



Liver of bovine and caprine animals, poultry, pigs and horse

and derived products thereof


0,30 pg/g wet weight


0,50 pg/g wet weight


3,0 ng/g wet weight

Liver of ovine animals and derived products thereof

1,25 pg/g wet weight

2,00 pg/g wet weight

3,0 ng/g wet weight

Liver of wild game birds

2,5 pg/g wet weight

5,0 pg/g wet weight


Muscle meat of fish and fishery products and products thereof 3, with the exemption of:

-   wild caught eel

wild caught spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias)

-   wild caught fresh water fish, with the exception of diadromous fish species caught in fresh water

-   fish liver and derived products

-   marine oils

The maximum level for crustaceans

applies to muscle meat from appendages and abdomen.






3,5 pg/g wet weight






6,5 pg/g wet weight






75 ng/g wet weight

Muscle meat of wild caught fresh water fish, with the exception of diadromous fish species caught in

fresh water, and products thereof 3


3,5 pg/g wet weight


6,5 pg/g wet weight


125 ng/g wet weight

Muscle meat of wild caught spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) and

products thereof


3,5 pg/g wet weight


6,5 pg/g wet weight


200 ng/g wet weight

Muscle meat of wild caught eel

(Anguilla anguilla) and products thereof


3,5 pg/g wet weight


10,0 pg/g wet weight


300 ng/g wet weight

Fish liver and derived products thereof with the exception of marine oils (fish body oil, fish liver oil and oils of other marine organisms

intended for human consumption)




20,0 pg/g wet weight


200 ng/g wet weight

Marine oils (fish body oil, fish liver oil and oils of other marine

organisms intended for human consumption)


1,75 pg/g fat


6,0 pg/g fat


200 ng/g fat


Raw milk and dairy products, including butter fat


≥ 2% fat: 2,0 pg/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,04 pg/g wet weight


≥ 2% fat: 4,0 pg/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,08 pg/g wet weight


≥ 2% fat: 40 ng/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,8 ng/g wet weight

Poultry eggs and egg products except goose eggs

≥ 2% fat: 2,5 pg/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,05 pg/g wet weight

≥ 2% fat: 5,0 pg/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,1 pg/g wet weight

≥ 2% fat: 40 ng/g fat

< 2% fat: 0,8 ng/g wet weight

Fat of the following animals:




- bovine animals and sheep

2,5 pg/g fat

4,0 pg/g fat

40 ng/g fat

- poultry

1,75 pg/g fat

3,0 pg/g fat

40 ng/g fat


- pigs


1,0 pg/g fat


1,25 pg/g fat


40 ng/g fat

Mixed animal fats

1,5 pg/g fat

2,50 pg/g fat

40 ng/g fat

Vegetable oils and fats

0,75 pg/g fat

1,25 pg/g fat

40 ng/g fat

Foods for infants and young children 4

0,1 pg/g wet weight

0,2 pg/g wet weight

1,0 ng/g wet weight

展望:重新評估毒性當量因子 (WHO-TEF) 

EFSA在其2018年的科學意見中建議重新評估當前現有的毒性當量因子(WHO-TEF)。WHO目前正在對 2005年WHO-TEF值進行審查,這項計劃預計於2023年完成。屆時可依據 WHO的結果重新評估歐盟的最高限量標準。

Action levels for food products (status as of 1st January 2023)


Dioxins (sum of PCDD/Fs): Action level in WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ 1

Sum of dioxin-like PCBs (sum of DL-PCBs): Action level in WHO- PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ 1

Meat and meat products (excluding edible offal) of the following animals



- bovine animals and sheep

1,75 pg/g fat

1,75 pg/g fat

- poultry

1,25 pg/g fat

0,75 pg/g fat

- pigs

0,75 pg/g fat

0,50 pg/g fat

Mixed fats

1,00 pg/g fat

0,75 pg/g fat

Muscle meat of farmed fish and farmed fishery products

1,50 pg/g wet weight

2,50 pg/g wet weight

Raw milk and dairy products, including butter fat

1,75 pg/g fat

2,00 pg/g fat

Hen eggs and egg products

1,75 pg/g fat

1,75 pg/g fat

Clays as food supplement

0,50 pg/g wet weight

0,50 pg/g wet weight

Cereals and oilseeds

0,50 pg/g wet weight

0,35 pg/g wet weight

Fruits, vegetables (including fresh herbs) 2

0,30 pg/g wet weight

0,10 pg/g wet weight